ICSI informed that the release of Pass Certificates of students who have passed the Final Course / Professional Programme Stage, but not successfully completed computer training, were kept in abeyance pending compliance with the guidelines.
As per the modified training structure introduced w.e.f. 1st April, 2014, the requirement of computer training has been done away with for all students of CS Course. Keeping in view the possibility that correspondence addresses of some of the students may have changed, the Institute has already sent communications through SMS to them for intimating their latest correspondence address so that the certificates could be despatched at the correct address.
Students who have passed the Final Course/ Professional Programme upto June, 2013 Session but not received the Pass Certificate due to non-compliance with the computer training requirement, may send a formal request by 30th November, 2014 at E-mail Id siyaram@icsi.edu indicating their latest address for taking necessary action for despatch of the certificate.
In case of no response by 30th November, 2014, the certificates would be despatched at the addresses as available in the records of the Institute.
NOTE : The issue of pass certificates of students who have passed the Professional Programme Stage during June, 2014 Session is under process and the same will be despatched by end of November, 2014 and such students may not send any request to the Institute.